Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Mind ,body & soul.

Mind, Body & soul.
Mind,body and soul is a interesting topic.By read this one can clear about the basics. Our physical body is like a car,soul is like the driver,and mind is the energy to think in soul.Our body need soul,to move.Soul contains,mind ,intellect and resolves.As driver control the car,soul control our physical body.
Driver seat in front seat in car.In our body brain is the main part,inside the brain soul exit. A part of brain called hypothalamus ,the soul exist. So mind is the software in soul,to control our brain.other two energy are intellect and resolve. Intellect is the energy of soul to determine,resolve we called Sankara.Sankara is good or evil.Our attitude is according to Sankara. Now we discusse about mind,a energy of soul.We are soul.Mind is called as restless bird.It never stop,it can control and can mold or change. A thought creates and our body do according to this.so mind can,concentrate .Mind can control by changing negative thoughts to positive and waits thoughts to best.Mind can be mold,we can't stop our thoughts, our thoughts can be minimize.By changing negative to positive ,we can save our mind energy.Positive thought makes our mind Strong. We can use our mind energy for a valuable.The thought is energy ,we have to use it for people and society. The supreme energy is the almighty ,can chance our mind,individual can change our world.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Shiva the almighty.

Shiva the almighty. The supreme energy of universe.The supreme soul,is the source of universal, energy.Almighty Shiva,the oceans of love,oceans of peace, oceans of knowledge, oceans of devine energy. Shiva the energy ,the controller and director of word.As director ,shove direct to lord.The lords are Bramha,Vishnu and Maheswar.The bramha is the creater of new world,Vishnu is the operator ,and Maheswar is the destructer of old world.                 
                         Shiva liberate ,us from this vice of world.GOD Shiva why we say GOD,what is the word LORD ,means.We know Hindu lord,Krishna,Durga,Kali,Laxmi,saraswati,ganesh etc.These all are lord,because they are created by GOD,Shiva the creater called Sambhu,for this.Shiva supreme soul and we are soul.All over the world,temple of Shiva is more than,other lords.Most of the People of world workship Shiva.
GOD Shiva is the supreme along all the soul.He is the father,mother,teacher of all the soul.Shiva never include in the cycle of birth and death.For this he called ajanma a karta.He never include in the cycle of karma.Human take birth and die,but GOD Shiva never take birth,and die.He is the GOD father of all the soul.we called him Shiva,sambhu,Trilokinath,Pasupatinath,okkareswar,Mukteswar,Somnath,Badrinath,Mahakal,Amarnath,etc.All over the India and other countries we worship GOD in various name.According to his responsibility his name is appear. Shiva means kalyankari.He librates all from this sorrowful world.

Saturday, May 16, 2020


A killer which is order to hanged till death, have no mercy to world.
Word also have no mercy for a killer. This way,a long chain of no mercy appear, between humans.This a story of understanding all friends  and it is a value paid for the thoughts, born against good ,and evil .
The value must have to paid.Now a days pity to someone is the,sign of weakness. But it is not actual. Mercy is the sign of great energy, intelligence, and long sightness.It means understanding of intelligence, during difficult situation,while is far from visible evedienc and proof.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Knowledge of energy

see the white peak of snow mountain wearing crown of purity and energy like a powerful king.They rise up,and wearing crown. Look how he never afraid, to the small obstacle on his way.The don't know the word barrier.Energy is having confident to win in final fight.
Many people use anger as a weapons.Purity helps here .By wearing dress of politeness, we can feel safe.Have to win in every fight,remember some energy points.
Increase your energy of tolerance,remember that,everybody playing, their roll in the world.
If you feel,you have to tolerance more,means you are now practice the power of tolerance.
Two things are important work,and effect of workdone.As your work is common,but it must be creative, positive, inspiring.
Do not disturb yourself, by seeing the obstacle, on the way.This is the ladder of success.
Your mind energy must be more that,your thoughts will be minimize or maximize.
Forget your past,past experience, it disturb your future thoughts.
Man can stop the language, but he can't stop,waist thoughts.
This is the time to solve all the problems.Don't waist valuable time.
A fear on mind means,I am dangerous to me and other.
God father is my teacher, well wisher, no one can defeat us.
We all have to solve problems, problem is that how I solve it
Problems will increase in future, we have to increase the ability to solve the it.
When people do not response you,means you can't understand that,GOD is not with you.
Now what I feel is the the result,of any past events. Future is depends on what I am doing now.
If you depends on other people, your disappointed increase.
When development is due to change ,if you afraid from change s,how can you developed.
As we have not create self-respect thoughts in mind.We are not free.
If I fear darkness, closing our mind it is not intellectual.
If I make GOD as friend in every field.No one is lucky than us.
Problems make us,great. Don't afraid.
There will be no heart problems, if we give our heart to almighty.
You can't change time,you just think, it is the time of changing.
If you mind on other business, you business,will ruined.
Most of people are success,because, they fear to take risk.
A obedient person never afraid,from a unknown person.
To avoid more problems ,more willpower is required.
The people can understand correctly self,he become a good friend of self.
It is a easy way to maintain self confident and ability in problems.

Religion & spirituality

Religion & Spirituality.

Religion simple word means our culture,custom and way of prayer.Religion is one word but people make it more types.As people grouped people, in a particular way .Reach to Supreme power, way is different. Thinking of particular thoughts,about GOD is different. Method of practice of prayer is difference.Religion teach us to save humanity. Helps people ,maintain balance on humen world.Religion are like the vehicle ,GOD is the destination. To determine destination and along a thoughts,near to GOD ,is relegation.We all are children of one parents.Our thoughts have no similarities, create more than one religion. Be humen it is actual religion. Here I have not interested to discuss, about the types of religions.Collapse all the methods to reach one GOD ,with truth may called spirituality
Knowledge of spirit, or soul.Its related like supreme energy and other Devin energy on the way of GOD is spirituality.It can bind us in one form.

Monday, May 11, 2020


1.DEVINE energy is the energy of GOD,LORD and other positive energy.
2.DEVINE energy is the creater of world.
3.DEVINE energy is generator, operator & destructer of universal.
4.DEVINE energy can not be created ,can not be destroyed.
5.DEVINE energy transfer one form to another.
6.DEVINE energy are exist in many form,or stage.
7.DEVINE energy are many types,purity,peace,love,mercy,pros-perity energy.
8.DEVINE energy peace is called as the mother of all the energy.
9.DEVINE energy does not exit ,with out purity.
10.DEVINE energy are natural, energy.
11.DEVINE energy is exits in our soul or spirit.
12.DEVINE energy is the devine virtue of soul.
13.DEVINE energy purity is the main energy.The source of purity is oceans of purity GOD.
14.DEVINE energy purity are various types, purity of food,water,mind,body,language,attitude ,work,resolve etc
15.DEVINE energy purity comes from pure veg.food.
16.DEVINE energy purity comes from,our mind.Thoughts creates from our mind be always positive. pure thoughts, having no vice only.
17.DEVINE energy purity comes from,our mind with the form of word,or language. Abuse language lost of purity.
18.DEVINE energy is also in the form of our attitude.
19.DEVINE energy also depends of our physical body,purity.
20.DEVINE energy peace,love.mercy,forgiveness are also ,nature.By connecting with supreme soul ,the oceans of devine energy ,we become the master on these energy.


Sunday, May 10, 2020

I & My

I & My ...

When we say,I have pain on my leg,or I have headache. We can't say I am producing pain on leg or head.I am other than our body.Sometime we introduce ourselves, as I am a doctor, I am a layer,I am a engineer etc.In home a am a father of my children,husband of my wife,son of my mother etc.These all are our physical relation only.So first we have to learn,who am i? I am a immortal energy,called spirit. We all are guest in universe. By using i & my word we can developed or get destroy. I am a soul,this was can develop.Ego falls humans.we all are energy ,mind,intellect and resolves are in it.Mind always think,intellect is to determine& the effect of workdone on us is resolve. Physical body is made from nature.We are guest in this world for a small,time.Forgive all to become great.

How to find peace

Peace is internal energy of soul.We always search peace,in outside.But it is our natural energy.Peace is such a energy that we c...