Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Knowledge of energy

see the white peak of snow mountain wearing crown of purity and energy like a powerful king.They rise up,and wearing crown. Look how he never afraid, to the small obstacle on his way.The don't know the word barrier.Energy is having confident to win in final fight.
Many people use anger as a weapons.Purity helps here .By wearing dress of politeness, we can feel safe.Have to win in every fight,remember some energy points.
Increase your energy of tolerance,remember that,everybody playing, their roll in the world.
If you feel,you have to tolerance more,means you are now practice the power of tolerance.
Two things are important work,and effect of workdone.As your work is common,but it must be creative, positive, inspiring.
Do not disturb yourself, by seeing the obstacle, on the way.This is the ladder of success.
Your mind energy must be more that,your thoughts will be minimize or maximize.
Forget your past,past experience, it disturb your future thoughts.
Man can stop the language, but he can't stop,waist thoughts.
This is the time to solve all the problems.Don't waist valuable time.
A fear on mind means,I am dangerous to me and other.
God father is my teacher, well wisher, no one can defeat us.
We all have to solve problems, problem is that how I solve it
Problems will increase in future, we have to increase the ability to solve the it.
When people do not response you,means you can't understand that,GOD is not with you.
Now what I feel is the the result,of any past events. Future is depends on what I am doing now.
If you depends on other people, your disappointed increase.
When development is due to change ,if you afraid from change s,how can you developed.
As we have not create self-respect thoughts in mind.We are not free.
If I fear darkness, closing our mind it is not intellectual.
If I make GOD as friend in every field.No one is lucky than us.
Problems make us,great. Don't afraid.
There will be no heart problems, if we give our heart to almighty.
You can't change time,you just think, it is the time of changing.
If you mind on other business, you business,will ruined.
Most of people are success,because, they fear to take risk.
A obedient person never afraid,from a unknown person.
To avoid more problems ,more willpower is required.
The people can understand correctly self,he become a good friend of self.
It is a easy way to maintain self confident and ability in problems.

1 comment:

How to find peace

Peace is internal energy of soul.We always search peace,in outside.But it is our natural energy.Peace is such a energy that we c...