Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Once the a drop of dew was living on a peak of mountain.Dew was sparkling like diamond. A very pure dew have no impurities.              One day dew thought to travel down to the mountain .The journey starts ,on the way meet with flowers, trees,mountain and others.Dew says o flower give me your colours please.Flowers says you give me your brightness.Others like trees ,mountain etc.also exchange their virtue with the Dew.When the mountain dew reach to the bottom layers of mountain, become heavy rain drop.Having no shining or brightness.Now it is a common water drop.Similarly we also a brightning star in our first stage.we the soul takes as repetated birth,we lossed our devine virtue.By lossing our energy we became very worthless ,weak.As the soul losses his devine energy,become a common people having no devinity.As the first birth of journey of we sole.Our body also very pure,energetic.our life span was about 150 years.we were all lord,diety,prince,princess. There all where peace,prosperity in world,called heaven. Nature is very helpful to us.Love is all every mind,mercy is in all hearts. There is no sorrow,every where peace is there.Every people is thereof no chance of thefts. People enjoying their life very peacefully.

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