Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Mind energy

Mind energy.
.                                     Mind energy is the top most                 energy.More mind energy  is the more powerful,than the common.Mind is a restless bird.Mind,intellect and resolves are part of soul.Mind think always and never stop.It the very strang word on earth.If one control on thoughts,mind will be powerful.Some times we fell that someone think about me,the vibration of mind of other strikes our mind,we fell about his sorrow or happiness.It is fact that when we think abour other ,other is also on the same track.To prove this i have some experience ,i thik five minutes about a ask my wife ,do u think about me about five minutes.strange it is ,first time in y life ,i fell and want to know about this .Same experience we can prove with GOD also called meditation. This process occure between GOD and Us.We the people having a strong mind want to meditate with GOD.The mind get stabled and anergy increases with this.Because GOD is most powerful.

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