Wednesday, April 29, 2020


.                       When we see terror anviroment every where.It is worthless to talk about, silent.  This situation forced us to determine source of silent. Which inspired us  to live peaceful.See how the flowers,they also in unpeaceful environment. They have to tolerance against pollution. Some found in crowded area.side of road,desert, and some also found on cowdung.They appears,very beautiful,having individual fragnence.They are used on every occasion. They used on marriage ceremony,birthday party.They puts on Deity, puts on burried of our army also.Flowers are symbols of silence.As like behavior of flowers, we also flowers In GOD'garden.We have to to tolerance against opposite environment.Ego ,jealous,fear,terror etc.As we are GOD'flowers,usually we have to spread our fragnence every where. When we know silent is our natural virtue,like a flowers with GOD,have to spreads our devine virtue everywhere.

Monday, April 27, 2020


As our thoughts flow,the word on mouth also .some says the word slipped,my language was not this type.This is not my language.Because words are the result of our thoughts.A word can encourage some one.words are also interesting with deepness.The wound of bullet may cured easily.But wound of word can not.   Our mouth is like a bow ,words are arrow.Arrow does not returned ,after left from the bow.For this we have to speak with judgment of our words.We have to determine the hearing of other.we have to think before speak. We will success in all field.we get love,and affection of others.we have to hear doubled than speak.For this we have two ear and one tongue. A good receive may a good speaker.Shop in market remain closed in market for a day in a week or a month.But our ears are always open.We have to determine which have  to listen and which not.The person who speaks more may hurt to friend, benefit to enemy and get losses to himself. As we speak more we may be in problem. Always we have not to answer. Some time silent also a answer.By speaking more we can not change our enemy to friend, but to a friend our enemy.we have to accept all the good information.Our face tell   us first meet. Second thing our word,third from our works.We can control our languag,silently,changing our food,purities of food.Friendship with other best and religious people.Reading of religious book also control our word.The interest to learn also helps for this.To learning good things,waist thought delivered from mind gradually.As we speaks on important topic only,get respect from all.Simple and peaceful word may inspired to one.

Sunday, April 26, 2020


By promise some one and do not reach in time,always called,''It is Indian time.''Means this is the time of Indian.Here a thoughts arises,really Indian do not cares the time.This is really not true.Most of the Indians having no value of time.But it is not secrets that,TATA,BIRLA,MODI,AMBANI ,SINGHANIA are ,top in business. They use time properly. Time make them famous.       Every person has 24 hours only.Important is to use it,how we use.Some says now a days why the criminals number increase. Answers is that now people spend s their time worthy. They are wasting time.Empty mind is the devil one.People having no time to think about ,why they have no time.But answer comes from mind,we spent many time.Every successful man in all fields money,positions, spirituality used time properly.All have 24 hours,but these persons utilize their times,properly.No one see the future.Most of the persons are not punctual to his work.Avoiding today's tasks for tomorrow, and tommory to next day.But remember future is uncertain. So when thoughts arises in mind,we have to take immediate decison.Some says right there will be no late for good,thing.It may for bad thought only,later it may change.A poet said"lazy man lost his day in eating and night on sleeping."Think a while if a person sleeps 8 hours in a day,he lost his 25 years,as the total age of 75.If we wants to use our time properly,we have to schedule in our day by day routine.Determine a fixed time for fixed works.Time is money .As we do not waist our money,we have to save time also.

Saturday, April 25, 2020


The thoughts which are not necessary to creats,there are no development of spirituality, comes under the catagory of waist thought.To make free unnecessary  thought like a restless bird,flying thoughts here and there.Making spider net on mind,to see the ghosts of future, thinks on past,thinks on other.These are the example s,of waist thoughts.These thought can makes our mind tired.Disturb
our thoughts, lost our mind energy.These are the way of wasting time.On the other hands,if we puts a goal ,concentrating the thoughts,on it.All the energy get concentrate on it.It helps to achieve the goal.Person who do not disturb their thoughts.They  are like light house for pathless person.who do not creates valuless thoughts,words. Meaning
are simple ,straights of that peson .If a person not waist his thoughts, by knowing the value of thoughts.Becomes such a powerful mind that.He can do every thing by his thoughts. A will power is obtained. Because his thoughts and words are not worthless.Mind is most powerful,that every thing can possible .A will power is created.Because his words and thoughts are not worthless. The only meaningful,thoughts flows from stable mind. Waist thoughts can destroy the mind which only on the way to remember GOD the supreme energy.The powerful mind thoughts can trikes on the point where knowledge Ganga flows.And removes all thirsty minds,with knowledge.


  • Once a farmer lost his important watch,in his farm.It was very costly.As possible he search it,but doesn't find it anywhere. Some children were playing outside ,near the farm.He think why not I engage the children for this.He went near and ask who can find my watch. I reward ,and a gift is slso for that child. One child came near and say 'I will do this.But firstly you have to say them go far from hear out side the also go from here.No one remain  inside the farm.I only find it.And after some time he done.He is able to found the watch. The farmer said you are the winner.I will reward you.My son you don't know how you have helped me.It is my lucky watch. But I strange that no child was able ,you only make possible. Why and how you make it possible.Child said by looking the strange face of the farmer.My lord i do nothing strange. First I concentrate my mind ,on the sound of the watch.As there nothing ,silent is every where.Peaceful environment, is there.It was easy to hear,the sound of watch. On the same direction ,I search and found.Silent can determine, correctly.Tired mind have no capable to,take decision. Those who can't control his mind.It act like a enemy for him.As we keep our mind silent,determination power increase.


There is a different between  sprituality & astrology.Sptituality inspire us to change us.                            change ourself,means changing the world.Due to spirituality we learn to see our inside.It helps us to solve the problem at difficulties.It teach us actual path,of life and art of living. Where as astrology forecast the future .It help s to solve the situation, externally. We help from astrologer externally, but wants to change the situations more. As sometime, we get unsucess,have disappointed.  For example when we go to doctor for check up. Doctor check the reports, ask the  daily routine.After this if he say you may suffer from heart disease.Now two types of reaction in mind.We get afraid.we thinks about in family,that my mother have also this disease.My grandmother have also.Like this ,now we thinks about our lifestyle.That,I have no time for morning work.I get engery sudden from small things.My food is unhealthy also.This type of thought is blowing quickly in our mind,and the doctor was right.Our thought makes us patient. If we get alerts by getting informed .If we have avoid fast food ,tension etc.If we have maintain regular exercise.Try to happy in life.spirituality gives us healthy mind,avoid some disease.we welcomes peace,prosperity in our life.And may result a healthy life saves our money,energy and time.

Friday, April 24, 2020


Attachment a invisible golden chain, which locks our intellect. In prison our physical body is locked with iron chain.The person who get closed to some one,in lastly get so more difficulty to broke relation.Who cut chain of attachment get actual freedom.Attachment is the other face of of effection.There is a law to keep a person in the prison. But attachment is that spider'net.He get locked himself  for all life.Rat smells a food and get pathless ,get trapped and locked in.Man also by attracted by some other love,affection. He get blind,his intelligence is cover by the smoke of attachment.It is very difficult to break the net of attachment.The person who break or avoid it,get freedom.By wisdom and itellegent make possible to get free from this net.Person become worrier ,a great worrier.He never attract towards any physical or mental charming. Any rellation can not attract his attitude.No any barriers and obstacle stop his way in life.No evil happen by the person in life.winer is now having a clear eye to see the whole world.Any judgement done by him,is correct. He can distinct bet ween bad and good on the way of life,no evil is done by him or to him on the journey of mortal life.

How to find peace

Peace is internal energy of soul.We always search peace,in outside.But it is our natural energy.Peace is such a energy that we c...