Sunday, April 26, 2020


By promise some one and do not reach in time,always called,''It is Indian time.''Means this is the time of Indian.Here a thoughts arises,really Indian do not cares the time.This is really not true.Most of the Indians having no value of time.But it is not secrets that,TATA,BIRLA,MODI,AMBANI ,SINGHANIA are ,top in business. They use time properly. Time make them famous.       Every person has 24 hours only.Important is to use it,how we use.Some says now a days why the criminals number increase. Answers is that now people spend s their time worthy. They are wasting time.Empty mind is the devil one.People having no time to think about ,why they have no time.But answer comes from mind,we spent many time.Every successful man in all fields money,positions, spirituality used time properly.All have 24 hours,but these persons utilize their times,properly.No one see the future.Most of the persons are not punctual to his work.Avoiding today's tasks for tomorrow, and tommory to next day.But remember future is uncertain. So when thoughts arises in mind,we have to take immediate decison.Some says right there will be no late for good,thing.It may for bad thought only,later it may change.A poet said"lazy man lost his day in eating and night on sleeping."Think a while if a person sleeps 8 hours in a day,he lost his 25 years,as the total age of 75.If we wants to use our time properly,we have to schedule in our day by day routine.Determine a fixed time for fixed works.Time is money .As we do not waist our money,we have to save time also.

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