Friday, May 8, 2020

Have a Loveful Day

LOVE is great.
*If some one talking with anger,then flow cool water of love to him.
*If we have to face,all problems of life,why not we face it with love?
*Always we have a quality of politeness to other,we get help naturally from other.
*If you are loveful with other,without lawful,you are lack of some energy,check yourself.
*Ego destroyed our Peace, happiness. Love & good thinking remove,sadness, make cheerful us.
*To get respect is to respect other.
*No one but,your behavior makes you unhappy.
*Be happy on success of other,like your's success.
*There is nothing to spent,to speak sweet language. Speak only peaceful and truth.
*If you are alone,you are not valuable, for this you make group, having helpful behavior. your value increased.
*A word speak to other with lovely voice, give peace to other.
*A person who respect others, become a respectful person.
*If you think,love is my original nature, no violence will touch us.
*GOD father made us like a sweet, beautiful, smelling flowers. Does we spreads our sweetness.
*No man get,love of others, without simplicity.
*Now the world is developed, but developed with GOD's love is actual intelligent.
*Donation of love and mercy to other is also a great.
*To respect self,and love to GOD,makes easy to respect other.
*We all think,we are the part of human society. We also follow nonviolence.
*If a person is so much bad,but he have a good quality. Follow like a honey bee collect sweetness.
*If people  in a country,respect his
brothers,there will be unity in this country.
*GOD loves all,all are GOD's child.we have no authority to hate other.
*When we work in love,we get success.
*As you loves other,you also receive from others.
*As love is more,it is easy to give other.
*Beauty depends on ability to determine.
*If I hate some one by colour of his body,then it is like to hate someone for his dressed.
*Everybody need friendshif,does I have enough love for all?
*Love has no limit,and universal.
*If we love someone, we want to become like him.why not we love GOD father.
*Love with GOD teaches us to love humanity.
*By obey GOD's rule we can understand, how to love someone.
*Love which, harmful to other,is not true love.
*Best friend also leave you if promise is broken.
*Among two people, if one not interested to fight, there will be no war.
*Our attitude becomes like that person whom we love.
*If you helps to other means helps to self.
*Love is great,more energy is need for true love.

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