Monday, April 20, 2020


Karma,a story of two brothers but friend too.Village name is sougaon,where Jatin and Lalit were leaving one is poor but honest, another is against.Once there a swami called jambunath came to there village ,both are interested to see and ask to solve their individual problems.Both decided to get blessed from swami as soon as possible.on the way what happened there a mistry appear .Jatin get injuried by a nail on food.on the same time Lalit get a gold coin on the way.Both are decided to ask about this.After some time reach to the place where the swami was sitting under a tree around the villagers.Jatin ask the swami lord we are interested to known about our problems,our mistry on the way.swami was able to know about theirs,he was like a lord.And a very powerful.He say to Jatin you was king and bad ruller in his last birth.Jatin was very powerful king,he punished people of his kingdom very badly manner.For this he get hanged till death ,now this time.But he done good and help to peopl ,now his present birth.As a result the punishment is decrease to  small injury,against the punishment of death.swami jee said on the other hand ,u the Lalit was a very good and honest person in your last birth.U have done so many good work for people,friends and others in your last birth.As a result now in this present birth u get crowned ,and become a king.But your bad behavior and unhelpful attitude ruined your good karma.As a result you get a get a gold coin,in place of being a king of a large kingdom.This is the law of karma.

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