Friday, June 12, 2020

Connecting to source of energy

1.Connecting our soul to supreme energy is called meditation.
2.when we connect one wire to other we remove the plastic coating,so that the electricity flow.
3.Soul conscious is must to connect with source of energy.
4.Generally science says,energy is flow from higher medium to lower medium.
5.Higher level of energy is Su
preme soul.Lower level is soul.
6.It helps to reduce negative thoughts and emotions.
7.It gives peace,to mind.
8.It improve our physical health.


SOUL FOOD means food of soul.Basically our body needs, food to get energy.To do work we need energy. So we eat food.Similarly our soul to get energy ,what we have to do.Good and positive thoughts are its food.By thinking a positive ,our mind become powerful.On the other hand if we think always negative, our mind become weak.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

The oceans of love,Peace, Prosperity, knowledge,Shiva Almighty, supreme

Oceans word can be used for GOD only,who is the supreme energy. Almighty Shiva called oceans of peace.Oceans of love,Oceans of knowledge, Oceans of all Devin energy.Supreme energy Shiva, the controller of Universe, the almighty Shiva is GOD father.Father of all soul.Th e Shiva is the soul, it energy is more, so called supreme soul. We are his child. We have authority to use the energy. The devine energy is used by us.We become master of these energy. 


Holy word is accociated,with GOD,LORD,Religious.It is very special or important word.Basically is represent a devine virtue.Holy means pure.Purity word can explain holy.Holy books.Holy books like Bhagwat gita,Ramaya,Mahabharata are examples of holy books of Hindu religions.Kuran,Bible,Guruganth saheb are also,holy book.Dharma grath of all religion called holy books.Holy mantras, of various goodness are also secret.Holy is very important for a saint.Ramayan is the most popular holy book,in india Ramayan reading is common in religious people family,or spiritual family.The main story in Ramayan is the biography of Ramchandra ,king of ayodya.From birth to end of life of Ramchandra is written in this story.The main aim is to create spirituality among people.As a result the avoid the vices is easy by reading this types of holy book.The great saint Balmiki is the writer of this great biography.In past people aware the about viceful world,a write holy books to save the humanity. In kaliyuga world is burns with five vices.Everywhere evil is seen.No one can tell truth.False is called as trick of intelligence in today life.Bramhan ,baisya,khytriy and sudra are three main cast now a days.People understand  it is no matter how they earn money ,whether in false or true.Only earning of money is needed. Method of earning is not important in kaliyug.Holy book helps people to avoid them from various evil thoughts.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020


Creation of world,a strange.Creater Bramha,called the lord,of creation of world.who creates Bramha.In Hindu religion we worship many goddess.Bramha,Vishnu,and Shankar is main lords.GOD create three lord.We known who is GOD.Shiva the supreme power ,is GOD.GOD is the creater and lord are creation.when we think we it is very difficult, to determine GOD.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Thoughts are energy.

Mind energy is the topmost energy in the world.we known mind energy is the part of our soul.Mind energy is nothing but the thoughts,which we creates.Thoughts are very powerful. Thoughts make everything possible in the universe. It can change our destiny. We know thoughts are two three types, positive, negative, and waist.When we creates thoughts ,it is necessary to make it ,practical. If we do not use our energy for practical work,our thoughts becomes waist,it makes our mind weak.The valuable thoughts ,gives us valuable result. If a boy,predicted by a priest that he will get,failed in the examination. If he do not interested, in study.As a result he get failed. Similarly, if a another, boy is predicted, you will,get top in examination, and he will neglect his study,he get failed. We can change our destiny by a strong willpower .A strong willpower,is the key of success. How we can creates,strong willpower? we will create a strong willpower by,positive thinking and controlling our thoughts. We can minimize it.Can mold it.By concentrate our mind,we can increase our mind energy.
We can change our destiny, by changing our thoughts. Positive thinking is a great power, suppose a boy is predicted for his examination that,he will top in the examination, and he start neglecting his study,as a result the score will zero.Thoughts can increase our mind energy, can decreased our mind energy. Positive thoughts can arises in mind by reading positive articles, holy books,and other religious books also helps us to develop positive thoughts. It make positivity all day to day life.Positive thoughts can creates,by eating only.Drinking of water also effect our mind,if we take water from a viceful person,our mind becomes viceful.It is fact .Taking of alcohol ,eating non destroy our purity of mind ,it destroy our positivity. Our environment become viceful.It effect to other person also.Friendships also change our thoughts if our friend is a holy person,a positive person,a religious person,it effect us .Our attitude and our thinking changes like,that person.on the other hand, it is opposite, if we make friend other viceful man.
Now a days negativity is more ,in movies, viceful seens effect our mind.Fighting of people, and abusive seen can destroy of negativity. We can stop this movie watching.We have seen many seen in our today life.If we control our mind,do not desturb our mind.Making positive thoughts all the day ,we can make our environment positive and also,Chang our destiny.

Mind ,body & soul.

Mind, Body & soul.
Mind,body and soul is a interesting topic.By read this one can clear about the basics. Our physical body is like a car,soul is like the driver,and mind is the energy to think in soul.Our body need soul,to move.Soul contains,mind ,intellect and resolves.As driver control the car,soul control our physical body.
Driver seat in front seat in car.In our body brain is the main part,inside the brain soul exit. A part of brain called hypothalamus ,the soul exist. So mind is the software in soul,to control our brain.other two energy are intellect and resolve. Intellect is the energy of soul to determine,resolve we called Sankara.Sankara is good or evil.Our attitude is according to Sankara. Now we discusse about mind,a energy of soul.We are soul.Mind is called as restless bird.It never stop,it can control and can mold or change. A thought creates and our body do according to mind can,concentrate .Mind can control by changing negative thoughts to positive and waits thoughts to best.Mind can be mold,we can't stop our thoughts, our thoughts can be minimize.By changing negative to positive ,we can save our mind energy.Positive thought makes our mind Strong. We can use our mind energy for a valuable.The thought is energy ,we have to use it for people and society. The supreme energy is the almighty ,can chance our mind,individual can change our world.

How to find peace

Peace is internal energy of soul.We always search peace,in outside.But it is our natural energy.Peace is such a energy that we c...