Friday, June 12, 2020

Connecting to source of energy

1.Connecting our soul to supreme energy is called meditation.
2.when we connect one wire to other we remove the plastic coating,so that the electricity flow.
3.Soul conscious is must to connect with source of energy.
4.Generally science says,energy is flow from higher medium to lower medium.
5.Higher level of energy is Su
preme soul.Lower level is soul.
6.It helps to reduce negative thoughts and emotions.
7.It gives peace,to mind.
8.It improve our physical health.


SOUL FOOD means food of soul.Basically our body needs, food to get energy.To do work we need energy. So we eat food.Similarly our soul to get energy ,what we have to do.Good and positive thoughts are its food.By thinking a positive ,our mind become powerful.On the other hand if we think always negative, our mind become weak.

How to find peace

Peace is internal energy of soul.We always search peace,in outside.But it is our natural energy.Peace is such a energy that we c...