Sunday, May 3, 2020


Once there was a time,we all are in peace & purity. But is the meaning of purity,what was our attitude. Impurities was a chain bind us with impure thoughts. Like a devil Ravan,like a snake,which makes ussenseless.Purity gives us freedom. It gift us peace,prosperity, love,energy and other devine virtue. Purity is important for us,it is a powerful energy. We have to die for it.We have to destroy our old attitude, bad thoughts.We have to destroy anger,ego,attachment etc.The power of purity never binds us with colour,sex,cast,boundaries of any religion.It is possible us to make,brothers to all the human.By this energy anger,ego,attachment destroyed. Pure and peaceful love is appears in our mind.It is true that purity makes closed to GOD.

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